
Research Interests & Expertise

Applied Areas

Consumer Nutrition & Household Purchasing Patterns

Health Economics

Production Agriculture

Specialty Crop Economics

Agricultural Finance

Input Market Demand & Price Analysis

Industrial Organization and Agribusiness Marketing & Management

Social Network Externalities & Technology Adoption Diffusion

Technical Matters

Game Theory

Econometric Methods

Empirical Inferences & Simulation Tests

Spatial Econometric Modeling

Accepted & Published

Selected Publications

Young, Jeffrey S., McCarty, T., Lancaster, S., & Bish, M. 2023. "Modeling Soybean Planting Decisions with Network Diffusion: Does Herbicide Drift Affect Farmer Profitability and Seed Selection?" Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1-20. 

Binkley, James K. & Jeffrey S. Young. 2023. "The Chow Test with Time Series-Cross Section Data." Journal of Statistical & Econometric Methods, 12(1), 35-53. 

Young, Jeffrey S. & Tanner J. McCarty. 2022. "Adapting network theory for spatial network externalities in agriculture: A case study on hemp cross-pollination." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1-27.

Young, Jeffrey S. 2021. “Measuring Palatability as a Linear Combination of Nutrient Levels in Food Items.Food Policy, 104, 102146. (OA preprint version)

McCarty, Tanner J. & Jeffrey S. Young. 2020. “Hemp Production Network Effects: Are Producers Tipped Towards Sub-Optimal Varietal Selection by Their Neighbors?” Journal of Applied Farm Economics, 3(2), 30-41.

Guffey, Kristie B. & Jeffrey S. Young. 2020. “Recruitment and Retention of Agriculture Teachers in the Southeast: An Empirical Analysis of the STAR Program.Journal of Agricultural Education, 61(4), 203-213.

Young, Jeffrey S. 2020. “No Honor Among Cheaters: A ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ Approach to Reduce Cheating in Online Classes.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources, 2(5), 12-17.

Young, Jeffrey S. 2019. “From the Editor.” [Editorial] Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research, 1(1), 1-2.


AAEA Annual Meeting (2014, 2016^, 2020*, 2022^)

AERUS Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit (2015, 2016)

Kentucky Department of Agriculture Annual Hemp Meeting (2019^)

IFAMA Annual Meeting (2020*)

ERMANR Annual Meeting (2020*)

Annual No-Till Conference (2022 keynote)

Weed Science Society of America (2022*)

The symbol "*" indicates a virtual presentation
The symbol "^" indicates multiple presentations given at the same meeting


Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) --- 2014-present

National Social Science Association (NSSA) --- 2019-present

North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) --- 2015-2018

Editorial & Peer Review Service

Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR)

Food Policy

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR)

Agricultural Finance Review (AFR)

American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE)

Journal of Applied Farm Economics (JAFE)

Journal of Agricultural Hemp Research (JAHR)